On the next page, choose your fake flight ticket and click Generate Ticket for Free.Click Search Flights and wait for the fake booking app to generate your fake flight itinerary.Untick “I agree to receive news about service updates” unless you want to receive updates from KeyFlight.io.You can create a different email address for this. The email address you enter is used to send you the PDF of your fake booking confirmation ticket. Enter your PNR in the PNR PNR means Passenger Name Records.If you want to include other people as passengers, click Add Passenger and enter the passenger’s full name.
Click the Passenger box and enter your full name.Enter your departing date in the Departing Date.Enter your arrival airport in the Arrival Airport.Enter your departing airport in the Departing Airport.How do you make a fake booking confirmation? Note that the flight ticket is fake but looks real. This means that you do not need Photoshop to do the job. KeyFlight lets you generate an onward or return flight itinerary for free.